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Maine Senator's First 21st Congress Report

3 Día 647, 16:58 Publicado en USA USA

I greet Mainers again as one of their Congresspeople (there are now 9) because there is a little-known and not well explained by the Wiki eRep feature that makes all people who submitted their candidacy on or after the 16th of the month and before

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Maine Senator's Final Report on the 20th Congress

1 Día 643, 19:46 Publicado en USA USA

Maine was conquered about an hour ago. Thus, I bid my constituents a fond "So long". I will not be represrnting you next month. You may see me again. For now, I can only thank you again for your confidence in me during the past two months.

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Maine: Another Congressional Term

4 Día 640, 17:05 Publicado en USA USA

In these times of uncertainty and trouble, we all have to remain flexible. Yesterday I sent every Mainer a PM strongly suggesting that the time had come for them to move to Florida. I still believe that it is likely that Russia will soon attack

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Maine Senator: Why I Support the Peace Treaty

9 Día 636, 16:51 Publicado en USA USA

The past weeks have been the most difficult of my elife. All Congresspeople will make the same statement. And it is true.

At the time we voted to accept the treaty, we had spent several weeks discussing the possibility of a treaty part of

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Maine Senator's Congressional Report

1 Día 635, 15:06 Publicado en USA USA

Day 630-634

August 11, 2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Norway Yes European ally

August 11, 2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Sweden Yes European ally

August 12, 2009: Donate 22000 USD to the Congressional Budget

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