Maine Senator's First 21st Congress Report

Day 647, 16:58 Published in USA USA by seeker1

I greet Mainers again as one of their Congresspeople (there are now 9) because there is a little-known and not well explained by the Wiki eRep feature that makes all people who submitted their candidacy on or after the 16th of the month and before the conquest of the region they submitted to are elected in order of their experience.

Many do not understand that we operate under eRep rules, not those of RL. They therefore consider us "illegitimate". They tried to exclude all of us, about half the Congress (a few other states also have such Congresspeople) from the Congressional boards on the eUSA forums. That problem has been resolved, so I will begin again to issue my daily or nearly daily Congressional reports.

Below is the first:

Day 644-646

August 27, 2009: Reduce income tax on hospitals from 20% to 1% NO This was never discussed in Congress. Congress does need to thoroughly reform all taxes this term. But that will require careful consideration and must be done as a package involving all taxes.

August 27, 2009: Issue 100000 USD in exchange for 500 Gold Yes Routine money management measure.

August 27, 2009: Donate 20000 USD to the Congressional Budget Office Yes Routine money management measure