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Official newspaper of Ministry of Defense(MoD), eIndia.
Be subscribed for daily Battle Orders and MoD News.

[IAF] Citizen Alert 1!

11 Día 732, 02:15 Publicado en India India

India, we are in trouble! If you look at the Society Statistics, you will see that we have almost a 1000 citizens. Great! Would you think. Not at all! Our last upgrade from 700 > 1000 are 95% Iranian multi infiltrators.

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[IAF] Daily Orders 728 - 729

1 Día 728, 13:18 Publicado en India India

Please read and vote!

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Do you want to fight for your country, do you want to stand up for your country, do you want to lead your country to glory?leer más »

[IAF] More Wargames! Day 726 - 727

2 Día 726, 12:21 Publicado en India India

Please read and vote!
* Please read and vote this too!

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[IAF] Voting Orders Day 726

23 Día 726, 02:00 Publicado en India India

Every Indian soldier is ordered to vote for:
- Gendun Choepel (Democratic Party of India)
- Jelly9473 (India United)
- Wing0 (Indian Future Leaders)

This is very, very important as we have [leer más »

[IAF] More Wargames! Day 724

10 Día 724, 07:27 Publicado en India India

Please vote this up!

Do you want to fight for your country, do you want to stand up for your country, do you want to lead your country to glory? Yes? Then join the Indian Armed Forces!
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