[IAF] Voting Orders Day 726

Day 726, 02:00 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces
Every Indian soldier is ordered to vote for:
- Gendun Choepel (Democratic Party of India)
- Jelly9473 (India United)
- Wing0 (Indian Future Leaders)

This is very, very important as we have Iranian infiltrators trying to take over our parties and we can not let them succeed. I am very sorry for every other real Indian candidate, but I hope you all understand that this is for the sake of our country. So only vote for the candidates mentioned above!

We will never let anyone else rule us again, Jai Hind!

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Do you want to fight for your country, do you want to stand up for your country, do you want to lead your country to glory? Yes? Then join the Indian Armed Forces!
Go to this link: http://forum.erepublikindia.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1525&start=0 and leave a message with your ingame name, strenght, rank and total damage and you will be able to join the Indian Armed Forces very soon.

If you have low wellness or do not live in Orissa or Maharashtra then please contact the:


*For full schematics of the Indian Armed Forces structure please LOOK HERE:

Thank you very much

Minister of Defense