Ambiente de fondo si/no

The Worlds Current Monthly Damage

4 Día 2,333, 09:17 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Looks like the main alliances are well balanced, however there is still 17% to 18% neutral damage in each division. This Neutral damage can still prove to be important in the future.


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De echte reden MDR verlaten / The real reason MDR left?

12 Día 2,330, 06:52 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

You may have been confused by the reasons given for the recent departure of MDR to Norway. Here at the Volks Blad however it was no surprise to us as we have been tracking the imminent departure … leer más »

Word Lid van Libertas / Join Libertas

1 Día 2,327, 13:23 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

At Libertas we stand for the 9 f’s.

Fun/ Leuk

[ … leer más »

Re: Why we don’t fight Poland / Waarom wij niet tegen Poland vechten

9 Día 2,325, 08:36 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

For the new players that have joined, we herewith below post our article from 7 month's ago, to clear up any confusion regarding the joining of Aurora as opposed to Leto.

The morning of day 2121.

Our under cover journalists have

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Voorlopige Verkiezingsuitslagen (Provisional Election Results)

27 Día 2,317, 23:48 Publicado en Netherlands Netherlands Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

24.32 %



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