De echte reden MDR verlaten / The real reason MDR left?

Day 2,330, 06:52 Published in Netherlands Poland by GEN. DE LA REY

You may have been confused by the reasons given for the recent departure of MDR to Norway. Here at the Volks Blad however it was no surprise to us as we have been tracking the imminent departure and secret meetings for some months now.
To clear it up for our readers we here with provide some comprehensive reasons mostly obtained from the recorded secret meetings between MDR and Joshua Morriseau :

At one of the meeting sites we found the following map that was accidentally left behind. We do not know for sure what is planned but it looks like some kind of invasion.

The departure was linked to several payments and benefits offered to MDR by Norway. MDR left his beloved Netherlands on a boat with crew gifted to him.

Other gifts include a brand new car.

A new bike.

A specially designed bathtub.

Some bath toys.

Free alcohol for a year.

A specially designed bed.

Two dogs

Two Large estates

Each with paid for 24 hours servants.

An outdoor spa

His own horn to blow.

And last but not least a comprehensive funeral plan.