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26 Day 703, 15:07 Published in Japan Japan

Manifesto for Election to Kyushu

I am seeking re-election to Congress to represent the citizens of Kyushu again.

During this term I have constantly been available to my constituents and have helped many of you with many varied issues … read more »

New Secretary

18 Day 702, 14:24 Published in Japan Japan

Due to the massively increased workload i've got right now I've had to take on a secretary to help me out. If anyone needs me then please feel free to go through her! 😃

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20 Day 699, 06:24 Published in Japan Japan

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A DREAM has become REALITY

Over a month ago a citizen by the name of no1kevlin, outraged by the foreign occupation of the region of his birth Kyushu, proposed that a Q5 Defence System be built in Kyushu to

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18 Day 696, 11:56 Published in Japan Japan

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Join The FASTEST Growing Party in eJapan!

I've just been elected Party President of the TFC Party and with the help of the existing party stalwarts I am going to get TFC back where it belongs in the Top 5

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What Can YOU Do To Help?

15 Day 694, 03:06 Published in Japan Japan

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The time for the First Kyushu DS Fundraiser is upon us!

In honour of our new President Oraizen and our new Empress Saber I am holding a fundraising dinner to raise funds for the Kyushu Q5 DS.

In order to buy a

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