What Can YOU Do To Help?

Day 694, 03:06 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin

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The time for the First Kyushu DS Fundraiser is upon us!

In honour of our new President Oraizen and our new Empress Saber I am holding a fundraising dinner to raise funds for the Kyushu Q5 DS.

In order to buy a ticket and take part in helping your nation become a safer, funner place to live all you need to do is amke a donation to the Bank of Kyushu ORG which is the holding bank for the funds.

Please Donate HERE

We are asking for donations of 1 Gold but if you cannot afford that and still want to help then please donate as much as you can. Donations are welcome in any currency in the world as it all spends just as well as Gold and JPY!

Please give generously and play your part in a historic, citizen bought, Q5 DS event!