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A paper for hooligans and voyeurs. And chocolate lovers. And lovers who don't like chocolate.

eUS Snipe: And shiz and one giggle.

4 Day 1,760, 20:41 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The eUS Snipe group is the nations P-elite last minute, last line, national political defense force.

We play offense when we can, defense when we must.

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The eUSA and you: A lesbian relationship (and that's ok).

17 Day 1,758, 15:45 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

That’s hot, and perfectly random.

In the beginning, there was you.

You were a freshly minted eAmerican, willing to see what the eLife was all about. … read more »

President Israel Stevens: A week in review.

11 Day 1,757, 13:53 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

After five days in office, a quite serious look into the accomplishments of the Israel Stevens Administration is long overdue.

[img]http://paulwhankins.[/img] … read more »

An Old Cowboy, a naked lady, and Eden.

5 Day 1,756, 17:46 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The Old Cowboy is sick of hunters trampling his fences and having to constantly round up his strays.

One day, when on a long ride to the back of his fall pasture, he … read more »

National Coordinated ATO: You are important.

16 Day 1,755, 22:09 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The country is in a rough spot.

It was once that our nation’s greatest internal threat was a domestic Pizza The read more »