Ambient on/off

aku cinta indonesia

11 Day 546, 04:58 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

I love you Indonesia. This isthe only country where I feel home, This is the only country that accepts me as I am, sick, psychotic, and brilliant. This is the country where president Obama lived for a few years. It is the country that gave him the

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Terima kasih Romania

22 Day 545, 16:02 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

traducere: terima= o sa mancam bataie de la
kasih= dracii

adica carevasazica si prin urmare, semnul ala pe care nu-l inteleg indo este un semn de circulatie prin care autorul incearca sa trasmita transmigratia spiritelor

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pentru cei ce sunt inca pe baricade

6 Day 543, 08:37 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

D4c4 av3ti pl4c3r3a de a r4m4ne in Indon3zi4 3xilatii din ac3asta tara inapoiata au infiintat un partid si va invita sa faceti niste d3z4s7r3.

The Sons of Liberty

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Help! I need Somebody! Help, not just anybody!

15 Day 543, 00:41 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear People of Indonesia,

I write to you as the news about your generosity is widespread and I am in the desperate situation to ask for your help.

I am a romanian exiled in WSR after your brave and not at all cheating army conquered that

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40 Day 542, 13:45 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Hello Indonesia

I just wrote this article to thank you for having me in your country, I can't say I like it here. There aren't any real modern facilities like, you know, hospitals, roads etc. Houst some q5 weapon copying machine.

But I forgive

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