Help! I need Somebody! Help, not just anybody!

Day 543, 00:41 Published in Indonesia Romania by Bismark

Dear People of Indonesia,

I write to you as the news about your generosity is widespread and I am in the desperate situation to ask for your help.

I am a romanian exiled in WSR after your brave and not at all cheating army conquered that region from it's rightfull owner. My situation is even more desperate as I was wounded in the last battle and have a very low wellness and all my savings were spent on buying weapons and WP in the last battle so I have no money to buy some moving tickets to return to my fair country.

Finding a Job is also dificult as mean indonesian managers won't hire me just because I'm romanian so I can't work for my moving ticket. And I also can't use modern facilities as the wise Indonesian Government decided not to install a Modern Q5 Hospital in WSR.

So please help me by donating some money or gold to my account.

PS: this is a joke and should be taken lightly. You don't really need to donate to me anything. Maybe if you could PM your goverment to install a hospital in WSR and ESR thanks

Thank you