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West Australia: Bad Decisions

2 Day 875, 14:58 Published in USA USA

Administrative Failure in

West Australia

By now, all of you know about the [url= more »

I Guess We Want Out (Of EDEN)!

4 Day 861, 18:43 Published in USA USA

Well, then...

Today, it's going to be a pretty short article, but I don't doubt that you'll find it a bit more interesting than most of my usual ones.

[url= … read more »

[Poll] EDEN and America - The question on our minds

3 Day 858, 20:56 Published in USA USA

Should eAmerica Leave EDEN?

This is the question on the mind and lips of every eAmerican in the eWorld today. Every one of us has seen the many articles from … read more »

A Tough Choice - Leaving EDEN

3 Day 853, 20:30 Published in USA USA

Leaving the (Pseudo-?)

Garden of EDEN?

A growing schism between the eUS and the majority of other EDEN nations has raised the question as to whether we should leave our current … read more »

Election Day!: Poll Leaders

2 Day 836, 15:01 Published in USA USA

The Presidential Elections

((All numbers are as of 14:43 eRepublik time))

Well, my friends, the end of Josh Frost's term is … read more »