I Guess We Want Out (Of EDEN)!

Day 861, 18:43 Published in USA USA by Lucus Casius

Well, then...

Today, it's going to be a pretty short article, but I don't doubt that you'll find it a bit more interesting than most of my usual ones.

PigInZen, the President of the United States (POTUS), according to his recent article, has actually asked Congress to take the United States out of EDEN. He also said something about basketball, but I'm really more of a baseball/fencing guy myself (not kidding), so I just skimmed that part.

It really would make more sense if everyone didn't play it on unicycles.

But that's not the point. The point is what I said about EDEN. That bit about leaving it. You know the one I mean.

My initial response?

Three guesses what I decided it actually was after thinking about it for a while.

Shut up, Mr. Pineapple.

Anyway... Yeah. I'm going to go ahead and support this.

Economically, it's to our benefit. We won't have to pay those goddamned dues that EDEN imposes on all of her member nations anymore. As PIZ says, if we put that to our own marines, we can make them that much more badass.



In addition, we won't have to put up with EDEN bs anymore. We can obey our own orders! Pursue our own goals! Not listen to them complain about the eUS!


We won't even have to sacrifice most of our MPPs for this deal! I mean, I couple people would get mad at us, certainly, but for the most part, we would be able to keep most of the same allies we have now.


*cough* Anyway, it still needs to be decided by Congress. I'm sure they'll make the smart choice, though, whatever the people from EDEN say.

The Poll

Last article, I asked you all your opinion on leaving EDEN. I see no better time to give you the results than now.

No- We should leave and become axe crazy, attacking everyone at once before dying in a blaze of violence and glory. 4.5% 1
No- We should leave and just stay with the BROlliance. 22.7% 5
No- We should join Phoenix. 31.8% 7
Yes- They're our best chance of surviving in eRepublik. 4.5% 1
Yes- We can stay and help make needed reforms. 22.7% 5
Yes- We don't want to be seen as traitors. 9.1% 2
I don't know- but my gut says "maybe." 4.5% 1
Other (please specify) 9.1%

Other Answers:
1. Become more Neutral.
2. I think every alliance will fail some time or another, right now, EDEN is in the perfect spot that will break it or make it. So, stay, for now. In about a month, and after trying to find ways we can stand on our own, we leave .

Unfortunately for my poll takers, there is no way in hell that we're joining Phoenix. So... Yeah. Deal with it.

Other News

Honestly, I feel really dizzy as I write this. I don't know why, exactly, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with a house I visited today. I'm guessing that they had been smoking something before I came over, and it was still in the air.

I'm not going back. It's not a good feeling for me.

Final Quote

The beauty of independence, departure, actions that rely on themselves.
Walt Whitman