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Karacticus Calling

12 Day 667, 09:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


Wow! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead this fantastic party.
It just goes to show that even in a party as large as ours there is an equal

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TUP PP Debate

6 Day 664, 11:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Dear Readers,

Welcome to another edition of The Unity Post. This month we have three contenders for the throne of TUP: Karacticus, Miloman and Stefan1992 (alphabetically listed of course). The Unity Post and myself are of course unbiased in this,

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Golden Years; Recent Achievements of a great Party

14 Day 657, 06:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


The Unity Party is a socialist democratic party. We believe that by working together, we are stronger then we would be on our own. That is why, when the party is growing and is larger than ever before, we want our members … read more »

[TUP] Vote GLaDOS! (ps. We topped 500 members!)

16 Day 653, 11:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

TUP tops 500 members, MR WOLDY last seen being carried by a jubilant crowd towards the throne of epic Win!

A tearful Woldy was heard to comment `I just read more »

Another Successful Election!

14 Day 645, 10:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


Yesterday saw yet another Congress Election, and many of our candidates were sitting on the edge of their seats, anxious to see what the results would be. None however, … read more »