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The Talented Mr Woldy

21 Day 684, 06:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


With election day nearly upon us, I thought I'd take some time out and share with you some thoughts on our CP candidate, Mr Woldy.

I have known Mr

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[TUP] It's Woldy Time

29 Day 679, 03:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello again.

Today I have some exciting and fantastic news. It is as if Christmas has come early or all of your birthdays have come at once. Today, Mr Woldy agreed to stand as the Unity Party candidate for the Country President elections.

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[TUP] Success and Beyond

12 Day 677, 05:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom


Fantastic. That was the first word that flashed through my mind yesterday morning when I saw the final results of the congress elections. Once again our party has managed to gain a majority within congress and that is no easy task. … read more »

Unity Party: Meet the team

17 Day 674, 10:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Tomorrow the entire country goes to the polls to vote on who will represent them in congress. The Unity Party Congress Manifesto is here and now let

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September National Congress Manifesto

15 Day 673, 07:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

“By the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone.”

For me this quote from our constitution defines all that is the Unity Party. We are not a collection of individuals; we are a team and a blooming read more »