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Remember to Vote Tomorrow

5 Day 674, 08:49 Published in Australia Australia

As most of you know, tomorrow is the Congressional election day. Voting is an important aspect of eRepublik because it is the average citizen’s primary method for influencing future … read more »

Now What?

12 Day 673, 12:49 Published in USA USA

This article is a bit different than those I’ve written recently, but I was inspired by George Barker’s thread, Choices, … read more »

Regional Loyalty

30 Day 673, 10:45 Published in Australia Australia

My last few articles have been rather long, but I appreciate all those who read and voted on them. This article will be considerably shorter and is not directed at any particular … read more »

Why Do We Have Cabinets?

10 Day 672, 10:18 Published in Australia Australia

Almost every President in the New World appoints a Cabinet to assist them with the day to day management of the nation’s affairs. Some presidents have small Cabinets with two or three advisors, while some have huge Cabinets with multiple layers.

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A Response to the Comments

20 Day 671, 09:43 Published in Australia Australia

In my earlier article, I explained the duties of Congress members in regards to game mechanics. However, in doing so, I did not explain my own opinions regarding those

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