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[Submission] Another Day of eRepublik, 2014

14 Day 680, 12:12 Published in Australia Australia

Day 2505, 03:21 eRep – A telephone rings, disrupting the silence of the peaceful night. It rings again, piercing into the sleep of the President of the United States and waking him. He blindly gropes for the phone and answers. It is the … read more »

A Short Guide to War: Hospitals

8 Day 678, 13:21 Published in Australia Australia

This is the third and last part of the series of guides on battles and fighting. This issue will deal with hospitals and how to heal after fighting. I hope that it will be of … read more »

A Short Guide to War: Fighting

13 Day 676, 17:50 Published in Australia Australia

This is the second part of a series of three on understanding battles and fighting. This issue will deal with the aspects of fighting: training, requirements to fight, how to fight, … read more »

A Short Thank You Message

13 Day 676, 08:43 Published in Australia Australia

This morning, I awoke with a pleasant feeling of usefulness and purposefulness. Logging onto eRepublik, I found that I had been elected to Congress in Tasmania, making sense of the feeling. I want to extend my thanks to everyone who voted for me,

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A Short Guide to War: Understanding the Battle

13 Day 675, 12:19 Published in Australia Australia

Whether you are fighting in a war game or in an actual war for dominance over a region, this guide will walk you through how to fight, how to heal, and how the fighting module works. … read more »