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Congrats to the President Elect

9 Day 4,581, 18:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

My Fellow citizens,

As per tradition, our eNation had an election. Though, this election was anything but normal. Supporters of my former opponent and future President, were able to achieve a victory after relentlessness and inaccurately

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Rican apologized to me

25 Day 4,575, 15:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Breaking News: The currently disgraced Rican in an attempt to get back to the graces of the legendary King Tef1 apologized for what Rican did to Tef1.

This is a very shocking development and I am sure most of you, if not none of you will be

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Who is to be blamed?

3 Day 4,565, 13:46 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

My fellow citizens of the eWorld,

It is with sadness of no proportions I report to you, eSwitzerland's civilization has now been crushed to ground. This is thanks in part to ARS' anti Tef1 propaganda. This is sadly also supported by the failed

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Dear Blackbeard (Emperor)

32 Day 4,562, 14:55 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Blackbeard,

Recently, the legendary Tef1 was alerted of the facts of your return from hiding ever since the disgraceful incident in which you wrongly accused the legend. It was too bad, even the now formerly legendary Rican had to apologize

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ARS is eDying

10 Day 4,559, 13:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Rejoice: ARS has been divided into two factions. The one led by Terry are the good guys. The other led by Sheldon are the enemies of the state.

I want to offer my sincere apologies to Terry for events of recent past and congratulate him on the

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