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215 Days

35 Day 4,650, 17:03 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear eSwiss citizens,

The legendary patriot Tef1 as well as the Commander of the "Swiss Patriotic Guards" and Emperor of the the jokester land just issues the following proclamation. It reads as the following:

Dear Patriots and enemies of

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Starving to eDeath

7 Day 4,644, 11:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The legendary heroic patriot Emperor Tef1 of Jokester land is hungry. His conditions are very dire. eDoctors are now giving him a few days at most unless generous donations poured in from around eWorld.

So, if you want a funny clown to continue

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CP term plans

19 Day 4,632, 16:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


I understand there are a lot of new citizens in eSwitzerland since my last introduction article so here it goes. Plus, recent propaganda by some to try to commit a character assassination against me may paint a picture that is … read more »

An eNational well wishes

5 Day 4,630, 12:46 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

A few hours ago, TNS was notified of an alarming news regarding the current President of eSwiss. The President had never addressed the eNation since he was inaugurated.

Unfortunately, now we know why. The President transmitted to his former

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Reward to find the CP

15 Day 4,626, 16:33 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

My Fellow citizens,

Our President is missing. There also has not being any formal communication by the Prime Minister. The MoFA, after 2 weeks in hiding just showed up today briefly to discuss with us ineffectually the plans of the government.

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