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Somos 2900, pero aún necesitamos más

26 Day 817, 09:04 Published in Spain Spain

Ya se que se han hecho muchos articulos para moverse allí, pero aún no hay suficiente gente. Cuantos mas, mejor.


Motivos? El presidente y el ministerio de defensa lo explica

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Coronation of the new King of Denmark - Updated photos

25 Day 807, 14:15 Published in Denmark Denmark

Greetings to all of you eDanish citizens.

It´s time for a new Awesome King to take my place in Kingdom of awesomness!

The king´s crown

And the new

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Esto esta casi acabado................¿y después?

19 Day 778, 22:01 Published in Spain Spain

Despues de 3 meses en Dinamarca, dedicado a la politica de este país, he vuelto a eEspaña y aprovecho para escribir de nuevo en castellano.

Como muchos habreis visto, hemos conquistado North Calais esta noche.
Ya solo quedan: Picardy, Upper

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The creation of a new party

3 Day 757, 15:47 Published in Denmark Denmark

It´s not so cool as the Danish Liberal Party (btw, congrats Nizeguy), but it´s a great alternative.

It´s the party of the guy that can defeat 100 fbi agents, shoot down 10 helicopters, destroy 5 tanks driving a chopper and eating a candy in one

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Media Contest

3 Day 754, 08:26 Published in Denmark Denmark

Well, the contest will beggin soon.

Have Danish Citizenship
Live in Danish Territory

There will be 3 rounds, one for each theme:

The candidates have to write the article in the danish press during the time showed below and

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