Media Contest

Day 754, 08:26 Published in Denmark Spain by dragosv

Well, the contest will beggin soon.

Have Danish Citizenship
Live in Danish Territory

There will be 3 rounds, one for each theme:

The candidates have to write the article in the danish press during the time showed below and post a direct link to the article here:

From the start of day 760 until the end of day 761, the theme to write about is politics.

From the start of day 763 until the end of day 764, the theme will be economical.

From the start of day 767 until the end of day 768, the theme of the artilce will be military.

There prizes are discussed by the congress, but there probably will be 6:

- 3 prizes for the winners of the themes (1 for each)
- 3 prizes for general standings: 1st place, 2nd and 3rd place (you have to write the 3 articles to be able to win one of the prizes)