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Sand Recordz

2 Day 833, 09:21 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Today or yesterday, I can't really tell, it's always sunny here in Pakistan. Well, I created the musical extrodanare lavel "Sand Recordz".

Ok, what the F*** are we going to do other than worship Dio? We are going to add another layer

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Message to Citizens & Congress

4 Day 829, 12:57 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

First of: Congratulations to all the legit new congressmen.

Ok, lets get down to business.

The problem is that whenever we have a new congressional election, after them we have a lot of hot shot (no offensive) proposing new laws without

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Sweden Attacks Pakistan

12 Day 825, 12:28 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

So I aply a game similar. Sweden attacks me (Pakistan). But the pigs lay out their troops in a veyr bad way allwoing me to win. Dio Save The King. Plus my alliance is backing me😃


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Some comedy from the fatherland

3 Day 821, 10:21 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Hello people, and welcome to the First Annual Pakistani Private TV Channels Awards. I, Wamid Mir, will be your host for the evening and with me will be the lovely, Dr. Shireen Blackwater Baymaari. Let’s kick off this grand event, but first, a choti

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Some comedy from the fatherland

5 Day 821, 10:21 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Hello people, and welcome to the First Annual Pakistani Private TV Channels Awards. I, Wamid Mir, will be your host for the evening and with me will be the lovely, Dr. Shireen Blackwater Baymaari. Let’s kick off this grand event, but first, a choti

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