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Who has a week wellness will get help from me

9 Day 923, 15:19 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

i will help those who need to improve their health as much as i can. Just contact me through PM or leave a comment.

Also, i need 3 or 4 serious people that wanna help

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Promotion for Today

30 Day 922, 06:20 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

I will be giving out 10 q5 bread,10 q1 guns and 10 q1 gifts.
Just leave the comment and you are gonna get something.

10 q5 bread

10 q1 guns

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10 q5 breads tonight!

17 Day 921, 16:24 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

leave the comment and you get the bread!

Support action!

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Election Outcome

16 Day 918, 20:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

The elections are done, the citizens have voted for the one that they felt could get the job done and be a good asset to the eSwiss congress. All new congress man are hoping that they will fulfill the demands from their voters.

There are a lot

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Today i am sharing q5 bread, q1 guns and q1 house!

36 Day 913, 13:22 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

21 fastest people who leave a comment and vote can get a 1 q5 bread or 1 q1 gun and the lucky winner gets a q1 home! Today we share 10 q5 bread, 10 q1 guns and q1 house!


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