Election Outcome

Day 918, 20:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Djordje_ Stojanovic

The elections are done, the citizens have voted for the one that they felt could get the job done and be a good asset to the eSwiss congress. All new congress man are hoping that they will fulfill the demands from their voters.

There are a lot of speculations for some of the congress man, as far as being the insiders and doing something wrong against the country but we honestly hope that those kinds of people are not running the congress office. On the other hand, many feel that these elections could just be the best if the congress proves that they can run the country smoothly and risk free, so they can bring many positive opportunities to all of the citizens of eSwiss. Therefor, we have to try to avoid any possible conflicts and disagreements between each other and do the best that we can for the country.

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