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The legendary prolific writings of MikeBane.

Open Letter to the I.C.A. [UPDATE]

84 Day 1,726, 19:43 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

1 8 7
'The Family'

Check your nutz before you step to these.

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**Ministry of Scottish Affairs** First Address

61 Day 1,722, 11:19 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ministry of Scottish Affairs


This is the first Ministry of Scottish Affairs, graciously granted by the newly … read more »

IPA eLeft Stats / eScotland Conference

10 Day 1,716, 19:35 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Irish People's Army

Most Fights Yesterday (Day 1,715)

Regiment #1
1. talomedina - 59
2. Andrews the … read more »

Concerning eScotland

57 Day 1,713, 19:53 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

ATTENTION (Please read before reading further below): This is a calling for all Scots & eScots to join together in serious discussion. This is apolitical, recognizing no current nationalities for all whom discuss will be recognized read more »

What MikeBane Is About...

10 Day 1,702, 13:07 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

[img][/img] … read more »