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The legendary prolific writings of MikeBane.

A Call to the Left

26 Day 1,772, 08:59 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

To all my fellow citizens of eNetherlands, to all those who dream of a … read more »

The Community and the 'Com-unity'

16 Day 1,758, 10:25 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

What is a citizen? What is a citizen of a nation? What does it mean to be a citizen? We are all independent individuals brought together by a community, several communities that make up an entire nation. A nation which ultimately forms its own

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[DSP] Our Mission (Nederlandse vertaling)

20 Day 1,756, 08:55 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

**Scroll down for Dutch translation, thanks to Struis Vogel for translating!**

Dear Dutch comrades,

It is time we band together and unite in struggle. This time our enemy is not the capitalist, the government officials, no our

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On a Sustainable Future on Earth

35 Day 1,753, 10:17 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I think there is a misunderstanding of what a sustainable future means, and I also think there are far too few people who realize that if humans as a species continue to damage the incredibly complex and extremely fragile ecosystems present on this

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Intro to the Dutch Socialist Party

11 Day 1,750, 14:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dutch Socialist Party

The newly created Dutch Socialist Party was created in eNetherlands to become the hub for all Leftists to gather around, the read more »