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"Не народ зроблены для урада, а урад для народа"(Кастусь Каліноўскі).

Мужыцкая Праўда. Nuff Said.

eTurkey - better to be their enemy, than their friend

92 Day 1,425, 13:47 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia 🙂

For the beginning I want to congratulate Serbia.

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Happy holiday, Ukraine! [ENG/UKR]

61 Day 1,424, 09:47 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia 🙂

Today I want to congratulate our ukrainian friends with very … read more »

[PT] Kosovo je...[updated]

98 Day 1,422, 11:32 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia! I`m writing this article not as RL belarusian or citizen of read more »

[PT] Running for Congress

19 Day 1,403, 08:52 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia! 🙂

I will run for congress from party [url=http://www.erepublik. … read more »

[COMIX] Challenge Accepted

11 Day 1,348, 14:22 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia! 🙂

I want to say thanks to all those who voted for me in congress … read more »