[PT] Running for Congress

Day 1,403, 08:52 Published in Slovakia Belarus by Jan Karal Chadkievicz

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia! 🙂

I will run for congress from party HLAS - THE VOICE in region Southern Bohemia.

As you can know, I`m belarusian. But I`m living in eCzechoSlovakia almost 3 months. During these 3 months, I twice became congressman, was viceMoFA during precidency of Vladislav Baloun and continued to work on this position when gabberattack became CP.

About my life in eBelarus you can read there.

A little about me in RL: My name is Jan, 20 years old, from Minsk(capital of Belarus). I like history and linguistics(at this moment I`m learning Polish language).

If I will win, all gold from Congressman Medal will be donated to Country Treasury.

Thanks for reading.