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eSK in December election

9 Day 1,132, 06:29 Published in South Korea South Korea

Lets see our active population.

[no logo]
Central Taiwan - 124 Citizens, It isn`t our region and it isn`t significant.
Votes before the read more »

Keep trying.... x2

14 Day 1,129, 05:24 Published in South Korea South Korea

New month, new trying. But last month was very interesting and strange.... eRomanian and eSK-an have maden war inside the country.. everyone wants eSK and everyone … read more »

Where is eSK in eWorld? №3

4 Day 1,127, 06:59 Published in South Korea South Korea

1. Population - 576(-1😎 citizens - 42(-4) place
2. Average Experience - 907(-66) exp.(20 level) - 40(+5) place
3. Average Strength - 251(+5) str. - 33(+6) place
4. Average Military Rank - 18403(

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Bank of South Korea!?

26 Day 1,121, 04:12 Published in South Korea South Korea

On 4-th donation I noticed that donation for money and gold from eSK are made to Bank of South Korea, not to Bank of Seoul

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Where is eSouth Korea in eWorld? №2

8 Day 1,117, 05:14 Published in South Korea South Korea

It`s time for info 😎

1. Population - 594(+32) citizens - 46(-12) place
2. Average Experience - 973(+22) exp.(20 level, almost 21) - 35(-2) place
3. Average Strength - 246(+30) str. - 27(-5) place
4. [

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