eSK in December election

Day 1,132, 06:29 Published in South Korea South Korea by NoMoreHugs

Lets see our active population.

[no logo]
Central Taiwan - 124 Citizens, It isn`t our region and it isn`t significant.
Votes before the election committee(00:00 eRep time): 6 votes
Votes after the election committee(06:00 eRep time): 5 votes
Active population(😵: 4%

Chungcheongbuk-do - 82 Citizens
Before: 37
After: 36
Active population(😵: 44%

Chungcheongnam-do - 46 Citizens
Before: 19
After: 19
Active population(😵: 41%

Gangwon-do - 61 Citizens
Before: 28
After: 26
Active population(😵: 43%

Gyeonggi-do - 167 Citizens
Before: 41
After: 36
Active population(😵: 22%

Gyeongsangbuk-do - 40 Citizens
Before: 18
After: 15
Active population(😵: 38%

Gyeongsangnam-do - 39 Citizens
Before: 24
After: 19
Active population(😵: 49%

Jeju - 37 Citizens
Before: 19
After: 18
Active population(😵: 49%

Jeollanam-do - 35 Citizens
Before: 19
After: 16
Active population(😵: 46%

South Korea - 633 Citizens
Before: 211
After: 190
Active population(😵: 30%

[no logo]
South Korea without Central Taiwan - 508 Citizens
Before: 205
After: 185
Active population(😵: 36%

->>>>>> It`s not accurate statistic about active population in eSK but It`s give us one good picture about situation here. It can not be prеcise because some Taiwanese are in 'Central Taiwan', some Korean are there to vote, other are in other eCountry for money, fight or missions.

Sin-gan Association - 96 Members
Votes before the election committee(00:00 eRep time): 119
Votes after the election committee(06:00 eRep time): 102
Members try to become congressmen: 30
Members become congressmen: 21
Percent of successful members become congressmen(try/become): 70%
Percent of Congress: 48%

Korean Independence Party - 36 Members
Before: 39
After: 37
Try: 17
Become: 9
Percent of success(try/become): 53%
Percent of Congress: 20%

Socialist Party of eSK - 20 Members
Before: 32
After: 32
Try: 16
Become: 10
Percent of success(try/become): 63%
Percent of Congress: 22%

New World Order - 10 Members
Before: 13
After: 12
Try: 2
Become: 2
Percent of success(try/become): 100%
Percent of Congress: 5%

The Solar Temple - 9 Members
Before: 8
After: 7
Try: 3
Become: 2
Percent of success(try/become): 67%
Percent of Congress: 5%

* I think It`s bug because you have to have 40 congressmen - 9 regions x 4 congressmen + 4 wildcards = 40, but not It`s 8 wildcards...
I want to ask everybody that become congressmen with wildcards... Are they receive "Alert" and "Map" for that they become congressmen?
I think about one situation: calculation for election are maden when you had 8 regions, that mean 8 x 4 + 8 wildcards = 40, but after that you take new region and eRep server didn`t make new calculation and the number of wildcard remain same.

Congratulation for everybody that become congressmen and mostly for 4 lucky(bug ones): danucky, mahyun, HeoMuhan and starsteel.

Thanks to Yonai Keiko and Veritas Causidicus for region`s pics.

Additional article for Dec. election: After the elections.The fair ones and the cheater ones.

If you find some mistakes just PM me or write comment.