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[DAG 932] Rikets tilstand

6 Day 932, 16:50 Published in Norway Norway">

Russland går amok
Ting er ikke i Russland. I kveld gikk vår nabobjørn til angrep på read more »

[Presidentens kontor] Sommerreformen 2010

6 Day 931, 14:17 Published in Norway Norway

Som tidligere annonsert, vil vi forsøke å gjøre noen grep for å organisere landet vårt enda bedre, ikke minst med tanke på å ta vare på nye landsmenn slik at de blir aktive statsborgere. For å gjøre det oversiktlig kommer de ulike reformene til å read more »

[Presidentens kontor] Regjeringen - juni 2010

10 Day 930, 14:38 Published in Norway Norway

Den norske regjering
For message in English, press 5

Jeg takker for tilliten og det overveldende valgresultatet. read more »

[MoPR] Recruiting for Dummies

8 Day 929, 05:46 Published in Norway Norway

If you recruit people to eRepublik and support them in becoming active players, it can become quite profitable in the long run. If your account is registered as the recruiter of another citizen, you will receive 10% of all gold he/she acquires read more »

[MoPR] Summary from the Skaue Government

7 Day 927, 05:44 Published in Norway Norway

The current presidential term is coming to an end. Here is a weekly summary of events of interest and/or related to eNorway this month.

Also read the article [url= more »