[MoPR] Summary from the Skaue Government

Day 927, 05:44 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
The current presidential term is coming to an end. Here is a weekly summary of events of interest and/or related to eNorway this month.

Also read the article May 2010 - Norwegian Economy for a summary on economy last month.

May 6 - May 12
- Binary Party's candidate Tommy Skaue wins thriller presidential elections and becomes the next president of eNorway, with only 3 votes over Teknokratene runner-up Eris Caelestis.
- The Skaue government of May 2010 is announced.
- Population: The population of eNorway went down by 16 from 780 to 764. On May 12, 753 people had Norwegian citizenship.

May 13 - May 19
- Politics: New party presidents were elected. Congress passes Teknokratene's multi-proposal on reducing VAT for weapon, food, moving tickets and gift sales to 1%. New taxes comes into effect on May 18.
- Military: Congress vote on wether or not to attack Denmark passes in national forums.
- Population: The population of eNorway went down by 42 from 764 to 722. On May 19, 708 people had Norwegian citizenship.

May 20 - May 26
- Politics: New congress representatives are elected.
- Military: Norway occupies Nordjylland. United Kingdom attacks a little later. The region is secured by Norway with the help of Spanish allies.
- Population: The population of eNorway went up by 2 from 722 to 724. On May 26, 679 people had Norwegian citizenship.

May 26 - June 4
- Politics: Presidential candidates for the June 5 elections are: Freke (Teknokratene, supported by Binary Party, Xenibalurd Party, Radikal Samling), Christard (Patriotpartiet), Henrik Ola (Intern samling), olavsal (Demokratene).
- Military: Norway swaps Ostlandet region with Poland. United Kingdom makes a new attack on Nordjylland, which is secured on May 30. Norway swaps region Sorlandet with Sweden before it is swapped over to Poland. Norway also takes control over Swedish region Scania as a buffer between Germany and core Swedish regions. See article Do I live in Poland now? for reference.
- Population: The population of eNorway went up by 104 from 724 to 828 due to the swapping of regions with Poland and Sweden (region Scania contributing most). On June 4, 657 people had Norwegian citizenship.
- Foreign affairs: New ambassadors are appointed to Croatia, Greece and Sweden.

On behalf of the hundreds of staff members in the Ministry of Public Relations, the government, as well as the thousands of other people involved with bureaucracy and governmental work in eNorway, I hope you will have a good weekend and best wishes for the upcoming presidential elections. You will get the leaders you deserve.