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Councilor of Information!

1 Day 593, 13:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Ladies and Germs,

I would like to announce that there has been a promotion to Councilor of Information in the Machester City Council. And without further ado and without any description of them I will give you his picture and name:


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North West Raffle

4 Day 593, 12:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hey. An extremely short article here:

We're going to do a raffle, but we have limited funds. Would people prefer a Q1 house, or weapons as a prize?

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Manchester CC: Councillor Applications. GET ACTIVE !

1 Day 590, 13:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hai all. 'Tis us once again.
Councillor Applications are to be held after this article is released. The positions available are:

Councillor of Health: Responsible for distributing food and gifts when possible. 15 GBP/month.

Councillor of

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NW Reform: Better late than never!

4 Day 586, 23:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Guess what guys? We're back! It's a new(ish) congress !

The last few months, this council hasn't been used at all. Which is not only a waste of good resources, but shows a profound lack of care for the North West. We've changed that. This council

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24th of April "North West Election Special" ! (Reprint)

0 Day 522, 04:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Who is running for congress this month?

Running for Reelection:
BFSte / [url=

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