Ambient on/off


6 Day 1,786, 16:12 Published in Chile Chile Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

hi every body i just came from macedonia to chile so i want to make friends here in chile and have fun with them and fighting together for chile and alies 🙂. So pls add me as friend and vote sub and shout thank you 🙂

Shout : http://

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New Changes !

4 Day 1,665, 06:37 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

I saw this official article about the new changes so I'm sharing it with you (awwww) 😃,any way this is the link
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Sinai is in danger!!

21 Day 1,584, 06:44 Published in Israel Israel Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hello my friends,

As the Title says the only region conquered by Israel Sinai is always under a RW,but so far we managed to hold it on witch … read more »

Мала анализа и можен план

16 Day 1,520, 06:42 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Поздрав Македонијо,

Послем тешкиот период од окупацијата ситуацијата се смени во наша полза го ослободивме Повардарие,Западна,а еве сега и Источна Македонија.Си ја ослободивме нашата мила земјичка иако … read more »