New Changes !

Day 1,665, 06:37 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Joker 1

I saw this official article about the new changes so I'm sharing it with you (awwww) 😃,any way this is the link
(,so check it out and see what the new changes are.

I'll also will try to explain the changes as simple as possible if you couldn't understand the article above.

-So the first change is just fancying the "FIGHTING" so there are some graphic changes that gives you the chance to see the battle more detail.

-The next change is when you "hit" (clicking fight),instead of clicking the amount that is needed,for ex. 4 times,by clicking only once it includes all 4 times,the inf.,ex.points etc. is all the same,just saving time 🙂

Ok,so these are the "minor" changes,the big is jet to be explained.

As you can see on the second pic. above,you have "Campaign Details" ,"Points, Domination, DIVISION.

First of all,every player is not the same,ex.points,rank points,hit inf. etc. so now the players are ranked by that(in these case they are ranked by the level),now im level 35 so i can fight in just one division followed by my fellow fighters from my country vs. the other country players with that lev.Now the "divisions"
are a sort of group so for ex. those players from 30-36 lev. are going to fight in only that division,until they reach a higher lev. and that will give them the chance to fight in another division(group).Its like a actual war you can't send a thank in to the air to fight with the airplanes,or someone with lover rank to command.

``Division Battles``
Starting Day 1,665 every citizen will belong to a division, according to the changes we have made in the military module.
Division Level Experience points needed 1. National Guard 1 - 24 0 2. Soldiers 25 - 29 5.000 3. Special Forces 30 - 36 25.000 4. Tanks 37+ 60.000
This means that a battle is also divided into the 4 divisions mentioned above. For example if a citizen of level 26 enters a campaign to fight, he will only fight in the 2nd division.

the official site

Winning a battle

When a country reaches 1800 domination points the battle is won. This concept will be applied for every division. In addition, we’ve made the divisions more relevant by adding them points, as follows:
Campaign Points 1. National Guard 1 2. Soldier 2 3. Special Forces 3 4. Tanks 5
If a division reaches 1800 domination points in 90 minutes, the next battle starts only after all the 3 others have reached 1800 points as well, hence all 4 division battles will be starting in the same time.
Winning a campaign
After every battle won by a division, the points will be added to the total points of the campaign.

Eg.: After the 1st battle, if Country A wins division 1 and 3, Country B wins division 2 and 4, the Total Score would be: Country A = 4 total points and Country B = 7 total points.
After the 2nd battle, if Country A wins division 3 and 4, Country B wins division 1 and 2, the Total would be: Country A = 12 total points and Country B = 10 total points.
A campaign can last up to 15 battles. For a country to win a campaign, it needs to collect at least 83 points. (This is the majority of points that can be won in 15 battles, in all 4 divisions).
The campaign ends when one of the countries reaches 83 points, even if less than 15 battles took place in that campaign.

Battle and Campaign Hero Medal
At the end of every battle, the Battle Hero Medal is awarded to the citizens that inflicted the highest damage on each side in all four divisions. They will receive an amount of gold as following:
Division Gold for Battle Hero 1. National Guard 2 2. Soldier 3 3. Special Forces 4 4. Tanks 5
There will be only one Campaign Hero for each of the two countries participating in the campaign, awarded as usual to the citizen that dealt the most damage in the entire campaign.
Fight to defeat an enemy
Furthermore, the fight button has been updated. You no longer have to click several times in order to kill an enemy. From now on, clicking it once you will make an instant kill. However, the wellness will still be consumed depending on how many hits you need in order to kill the enemy (same principle as before), and the damage, rank points and experience points will be given accordingly. If you have less health that needed to defeat an enemy, you will remain at 0 health, no extra health will be consumed by eating food or Energy bar ( like when working).
the official site

Overall the changes might be good and might not time will tell,the good things that i can think of is now there is no more banging your head at the wall cuz someone with lev. 15 got your BH,CH,the county officials can see were is the bad spot,were to "invest",i think there are going to be a lot more organization cuz we now have the details of the battle,we can see when the wall felt,by how much etc.

In order to save time and let you know the all about it faster the article is not well done but nmv,parts of the article are just copy - past!
Hope you enjoyed !