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Moldova - Podolia

10 Day 559, 23:45 Published in Romania Romania

Citind articol dupa articol, ma trezesc brusc cetatean moldovean. Credeam ca e bug, dar nu ... Moldova a cucerit Podolia.

Ma uit in presa din Moldova ... ultimul articol din latest dateaza de acum 22 ore... Misto!

Parca aveam spital ieri ...

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Mi ertelme? - What for?

44 Day 558, 09:37 Published in Hungary Hungary

English version below. Please vote it up.

A jatek egyre jatszhatatlanabba valik szamomra az utobbi idoben. En az eRepublikot azert jatszom mivel itt talaltam egy olyan tarsasagot ahol eltudom felejteni egy kis idore a mindennapi gondjaimat.


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Haideti la reproducere, matzanesieni!

1 Day 558, 05:37 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Am publicat aseara la o ora tarzie un articol in Romania cu privire la faptul ca e neaparata nevoie sa ne inmultim. Romania are tot mai multi cetateni noi, si astfel pe termen lung ne pot intrece alte state.

Voi copia articolul si aici, deoarece

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Sa ajutam Romania!

33 Day 557, 13:43 Published in Romania Romania

Va rog votati articolul. Ar merita sa ajunga sa fie citit de cati mai multi cetateni eromani.

In ultimele zile, uitandu-ma la statsurile eRomaniei, am observat ca din ce in ce mai putini useri se inscriu in joc in eRomania.

Azi exista

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Clones and missunderstandings

13 Day 553, 18:33 Published in Hungary Hungary

A kovetkezo cikk angolul van, bocs de kesore jar, es nincs erom leforditani. Nagyon roviden a klonokrol, Sebahmah vadolasarol, es annak magyarazatarol.

The recent articles of Sebahmah and Quicksilver prompted me to write this article at 4 AM.

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