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Clones and missunderstandings

8 Day 553, 18:30 Published in Romania Romania

The recent articles of Sebahmah and Quicksilver prompted me to write this article at 4 AM. Briefly, Sebahmah accused Longfellow of using scripts, and Quicksilver in response wrote an article about paranoia.

I was online during elections, and was

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International elections - important

4 Day 552, 17:51 Published in Canada Canada

Interesting times we live in.

After the questionable Indonesian win in West Siberian Region, Romania tries to PTO PEACE's main country, Indonesia.

Indonesia did many harm ATLANTIS, and this is the time you take the future of eRepublik in your

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World elections - very important

5 Day 552, 17:48 Published in Israel Israel

Interesting times we live in.

After the questionable Indonesian win in West Siberian Region, Romania tries to PTO PEACE's main country, Indonesia.

Indonesia did many harm ATLANTIS, and this is the time you take the future of eRepublik in your

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Elections - very important

1 Day 552, 17:44 Published in Poland Poland

Interesting times we live in.

After the questionable Indonesian win in West Siberian Region, Romania tries to PTO PEACE's main country, Indonesia.

Indonesia did many harm ATLANTIS, and this is the time you take the future of eRepublik in your

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Elections - important

2 Day 552, 17:42 Published in Croatia Croatia

Interesting times we live in.

After the questionable Indonesian win in West Siberian Region, Romania tries to PTO PEACE's main country, Indonesia.

Indonesia did many harm ATLANTIS, and this is the time you take the future of eRepublik in your

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