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How are tanks really perceived?

20 Day 1,580, 06:54 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I find it extremely phoney when people shout "Hail that and that tank!". Don't you think in some way they are shouting that due to their personal greed and nationalistic feelings. They like to see their own country grow, expand, while in the same

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I click to no end

19 Day 1,577, 16:44 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

This time I decided to write an article about how I click this game to no end, how I continue to do those 2 clicks, while being too lazy to sell what I produce, to manage the world map - something that was one of my favourite things to do back in

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Reality and fantasy

11 Day 1,572, 10:54 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Just a simple article about my perception of two very given words, no need to read the article if you aren't interested in it.

Two very different words while they go hand in hand with each other. It's simple, what isn't fantasy … read more »

Superpowers of?

24 Day 1,567, 16:09 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Superpowers of what? If you think about how that relates to real life or eRepublik, it sounds completely the same. Things are lead by countries who are in fact stronger than others - you don't say? - while the weaker countries who are most often the

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Slightly edited ONE HQ log

67 Day 1,565, 07:48 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

My interpretation of events leading to the current situation in eRepublik.

Leader of ONE: We are gathered here to make all of you realize the significance of superpowers to our alliance. Serbia, Hungary and Macedonia - no one else … read more »