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Bulgarian fairytale of honor and Turkish opportunism

51 Day 1,589, 15:40 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


The official explanation why Bulgaria left EDEN was the following: the country didn't like how it was treated and felt it deserved to be respected just not via how much damage they produce, but they wanted their voice to be heard. … read more »

Interview with Dimow Brando

9 Day 1,587, 05:49 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

You might be wondering who Dimow Brando is, but in truth he is no different than others. He made his name famous at the time of Phoenix when he represented his homeland in diplomatic

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To pretend or not to pretend, Croatia?

44 Day 1,584, 18:41 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I find it ironical. I find it funny and at the same time ridiculous how people pretend it's not their fault for what is on-going at the moment in eRepublik. Let's explain it, for some it seemed like a marvelous idea to invite Turkey into the

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Kot si jih jih je zgodovina zapomnila - tretji del

27 Day 1,582, 19:22 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Že v preteklih dveh delih sem se razpisal o slavnih Slovencih, in kot ste lahko opazili, jih tudi v tokratnem delu ne bo manjkalo. Vprašanje, ki si ga nekateri zastavljajo, je, koliko slavnih posameznikov je romalo v eSloveniji, odgovor na to je

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[Vojaška analiza]Karte se razkrivajo

22 Day 1,581, 15:04 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Če bi dejali, da gre adminom na smeh, ko gledajo nas, ovčice, kako se prepiramo glede dobesedno pikslov na internetu, se ne bi preveč zmotili. Sicer pa je zanimivo, kako je nenadoma ONE začel zmagovati prav v vseh bitkah, nekoč je to omenjeno

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