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[FIGHT RED] Burning & Looting 647

3 Day 647, 16:21 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Unless you're working in the underground economy, take advantage of these RWs to do a little looting.

(1) Train
(2) Fight down to 40-50%
(3) Work
(4) Heal to 100%

Save your pennies and hold your fire after midnight.

Today's soundtrack

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You're not eUSA citizen?

5 Day 642, 03:40 Published in USA USA

You're not eUSA citizen?

Good. Fill out this form -

You are a eUS citizen? Forward this to your friends, platoon-mates, co-workers, etc: [url=

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A message from Terrorists

5 Day 641, 02:17 Published in USA USA

Fort Harlot employs 1/7th of the US population and loses upwards of 0.02 gold per employee. This is negative weapons production. You can spend 2000 starting companies and making jobs for all these people, or you can RW every High resource

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