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Disscusions platform

3 Day 1,462, 10:31 Published in Croatia Croatia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So we have the possibility to say what we want through our newspapers, but the admins have the possibility to delete every single article they don't like - which basically means that we don't have the right to publish what we want. I

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eRomania vs Romania

11 Day 1,218, 11:56 Published in Romania Romania

Romania reala copiaza masiv eRomania:

eUGD (FSN/PSD) castiga alegerile, PNL (PNL/CDR/PDL) ii ataca cat pot, pana ajung ei la putere, cand rolurile se inverseaza. Povestea tine pana cand apare personajul rau (eLAM, Brain, Matza,

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Do you agree on declaring war to ....

11 Day 1,144, 12:33 Published in Romania Romania

Russia? YES
Serbia? YES
Hungary? YES
Poland? YES

Romania attacked Russia. Romania attacked Serbia. Romania attacked Hungary.
Croatia attacked Serbia. Croatia attacked Hungary.
Bulgaria attacked Serbia.
Ukraine attacked Russia.

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Stupid things

11 Day 1,143, 08:06 Published in Romania Romania

Hungary was protecting Ukraine from Russia, but Romania helped Ukraine (liberated the bordering regions) and now Russia is marching towards us. A Russian guy is the president of Moldavia, Poland loves France. Nice, eh?

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New attack rules. Luptam in SGP!

28 Day 1,112, 09:53 Published in Romania Romania

Romania attacked Hungary. Fight in Southern Great Plain!

Here are the updates (errrr, step backs towards V1) for the eRepublik wars and battles:

1. 24 hour

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