New attack rules. Luptam in SGP!

Day 1,112, 09:53 Published in Romania Romania by deus otiosus

Romania attacked Hungary. Fight in Southern Great Plain!

Here are the updates (errrr, step backs towards V1) for the eRepublik wars and battles:

1. 24 hour initiative: a country will have 24 hours after the war declaration to start a new battle. it will retain its initiative as long as it wins. However, if it will not use the initiative, a random battle will start. One single region can be attacked at a time.
Explanation: Romania declares war to Hungary. They have 24 hours to attack, if not, randomly one of the Hungarians regions will be attacked. Should Romania win, they'll have another 24 hours to attack another region. If not, hungary has 24 hours to counterattack, and the same rules as above apply.

2. A country can attack, even if its border region is under attack.
Explanation: Serbia attacks Banat, Romania. Romania will be able to attack Hungary from Banat.

3. Queues will still work. Nothing new here.

4. Should two countries lose common border, the war will automatically cease. Now, that's nice, isn't it?

For details, see here:

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