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A New Newspaper focussing on my Return to Israel, and my return to Israel Politics.

Breaking News Inc.

4 Day 624, 16:45 Published in USA USA

Breaking News Inc.

Specialist Position’s open.

Breaking News Inc. Is currently looking for detail oriented, crafty, Journalistic Specialist’s to be a part of the Breaking News Inc. Team. You will be a part of a newly developing growing team of

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Open Posistions at Breaking News Inc.

2 Day 624, 16:42 Published in Israel Israel

Breaking News Inc.

Specialist Position’s open.

Breaking News Inc. Is currently looking for detail oriented, crafty, Journalistic Specialist’s to be a part of the Breaking News Inc. Team. You will be a part of a newly developing growing team of

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Breaking News Inc.

7 Day 624, 14:31 Published in Israel Israel

Breaking News Inc
Special Analysis and reporting.

I have returned from my long vacation to refocus my career on Journalistic Work and step out of the political limelight.

It appears that the world is in Dis-array at this time.

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Mid-Term Congressional Questionaire.

11 Day 596, 13:00 Published in Israel Israel

People of Israel
Justin Moore here, Your North District Likud Congressman.

I want to extend a mid-term article to my supporters to talk about what I have done as a congressional Member.
In all measures that I have been involved in, I have

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J. Moore- Voting Record and Other

0 Day 589, 13:18 Published in Israel Israel

I chose not to introduce my grain change bill to the floor for a vote due to stiff opposistion.

Also I have once again voted no regarding the minimum wage change. This will not solve economical issues but would further the situation in the wrong

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