Breaking News Inc.

Day 624, 14:31 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Breaking News Inc
Special Analysis and reporting.

I have returned from my long vacation to refocus my career on Journalistic Work and step out of the political limelight.

It appears that the world is in Dis-array at this time.
The Peace Bloc has wrecked havoc upon the United States in what one could identify as devastating.

Kentucky, Tennessee, DC, and West Virginia are currently being held captive by Portugal.

Russia and Indonesia are holding the whole western half of the United States at this time.

It appears that we have seen the fall of the great United States of America, the greatest erepublik empire for such a long time. Some clearly feel that it was inevitable that this type of thing would happen eventually as Indonesia continued to wreck havoc across the world, and with the United States Military influence and political influence waning as time drudged forward.

What does this mean for Israel one might ask? It has been said and thought by some individuals that Israel will lack the amount of influential support it once had from the United States as they are tied up on so many fronts. It is not widely felt that this will have a direct immediate impact on Israel’s safety as Israel has came along way with taking its regions back, and building its forces, Israel has actually dispatched the IDF recently to assist the United States with military assistance, a move not seen often in the past. The IDF has been primarily a defensive force that has been used reluctantly from all past administrations. This could open the door for Turkish aggression or Iranian aggression but is not widely anticipated or expected from sources.

Back in the U.S various media outlets are encouraging their citizens to continue the fight and move to retake the west slowly but surely, but it is also portrayed in a bellicose, depressed manner as they know that time and resources are of the essence.

We have seen and confirmed reports of Canada being ripped apart at the seams. The U.K has claimed dominion over Alberta in the Queen’s Royal favor. France and Hungary have taken the other regions of Canada leaving the be withered Canadian government with current president Jacobi with only one region of Ontario remaing as peace beats on the door post. Israel is moving to support Canada as well as the United States.

The Canadian speaker of the House made a public announcement earlier today asking that Congressional members vote down all 15 proposals sitting in limbo as they are TO proposals. Canada is facing many trials at this time and difficulties as a whole. How much longer can she last? What will happen with her regions, will the U.K claim full sovereignty over her, or will Hungary? Or France. Time will tell.

The Fortis Alliance has all but fallen it appears, after no more getting on its feet. The world has had difficulty staging a significant opposition to peace since the fall of Atlantis early on in the year.

One question some have asked within Israel is shall we remain neutral or make a move to join another Alliance. As it stands there is the bellicose, dormant Eden alliance with European nations such as Poland and small enclaves involved, not much power beheld there in many a view.

Today being Presidential Election day brings the question of what changes will be made in the world, what will happen, and how will it affect world developments. Who will be the president of the United State’s, many believe that there has not been a valuable USA minded president since before uncle Sam’s time, he was defiantly not up to par in many a mind.

In addition to all that has been said. Canada posted this official letter to Peace early today, or late yesterday and is circulating world wide.

From: Canada
Re: Your Inquiries Regarding The Possibility of an Honorable Surrender

Dear Members of PEACE,

We have received your messages regarding the negotiation of an honorable surrender. I must admit that we are eager to see an end to the current hostilities between PEACE and Canada. There has been a great ongoing national debate on the matter, and we have spent many sleepless nights considering the current situation facing Canada. We have weighed the costs against the benefits, and finally believe we have reached a national consensus on the matter.

Unfortunately we haven’t the proper facilities to take you all prisoner. Sorry. We’d like to, but we can’t accept your surrender.

Was there anything else?



Disclaimer: All views and non-factual items listen therein are not the views of the Author but of views cited by undisclosed world officials or various media outlets throughout the lands. Our job is to develop a story that is interesting and fruitful to the viewer and not add a twisted spin. Sources available upon special request and provided at the discretion of the author.

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