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Comment a tip/trick and get 5000 energy

15 Day 2,842, 10:37 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Comment any not so familiar tip (which makes things easier / lets us earn more in this game) and win 5000 energy.

Note : The tip should help eRep players. Energy reward only for eIndian citizens.

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Wish to extend my Presidential term

11 Day 2,839, 18:31 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hi, as you might probably know, the presidential elections are coming soon. I've learnt a lot this term. I'd like to continue to serve for another term.

We had a nice fight with Romania on our Independence day. Our division captains are doing a

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Fight for India in North East India

5 Day 2,834, 08:03 Published in India India Battle orders Battle orders

Get your TP and FF medals!

Do not spend too much resources. Just win the first 3-4 battles.

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Fight for India in Bihar

6 Day 2,833, 06:38 Published in India India Battle orders Battle orders

Fight for India in Bihar and get your FF and TP medals. Fight for our congress.

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Fight for India in West Bengal

11 Day 2,832, 03:49 Published in India India Battle orders Battle orders

Fight for India in West Bengal and get your FF and TP medals. Fight for our congress.

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