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To my fellow Indians

11 Day 2,900, 14:10 Published in India India Battle orders Battle orders

To accept friend requests faster

Go to your alerts and ctrl + click on "yes" in all the 10 notifications. After few seconds, right click on the active browser tab and select "Close tabs to the right". Refresh the alerts page and repeat.

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Valar Morghulis!

5 Day 2,899, 02:35 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

To my fellow Indians : ctrl + click on "yes" to accept friend requests faster. Right click on the tab and select "Close tabs to the right". Will help our eRep mates to complete their mission.

But remember

[img][/img] … read more »

This is how I prepare for my BH

23 Day 2,886, 02:39 Published in India India Financial business Financial business

That's how I prepare for my BH. 150% of your actual damage might suffice to win a BH medal everyday. Combine it with DO, TP medal and FF kills and it's even more profit.

For more [url=http://www. … read more »

Burning Base Country Rankings

10 Day 2,878, 14:00 Published in India India Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

The rankings depict how strong is the military co-ordination. Rankings found using a C++ program and screenshot is taken from Google spreadsheet. Endorse this article if you think … read more »

Luckiest referrer in India

20 Day 2,875, 11:51 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Post in comments with the link of screenshot of your referral page like this.

The most luckiest managers will be published in my next article.

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