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26 Day 595, 12:40 Published in Iran Iran

" Je suis la Résurrection et la Vie. Celui qui croit en moi, fut-il mort, vivra et quiconque vit et croie en moi, ne mourra jamais ".

Due to some obscure reasons, i found myself perm banned. I will not discuss the different theories about … read more »

Food Crisis - What? Why? and How?

8 Day 593, 11:43 Published in Iran Iran

A recent crisis hit the food market, precisely Q3 Food with prices falling down from an average of 3.6 to a 2.99 and risking to go even more down which definitely will create losses to all companies.

Either they will sell at loss, or will not … read more »

The end

18 Day 574, 10:53 Published in Iran Iran

The Party Presidential Election had ended. Thanks God i am no longer president of SAFIR party.

I was total failure in helping SAFIR get to its potentials and to its ideals of social progression and helping the young and the needy.


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7 Day 571, 00:21 Published in Iran Iran

This is a follow up to the article explosion

where i talked about the startled and panicked eUS in response to a practical joke made by Glados
saying that [url=http://www.

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10 Day 567, 13:06 Published in Iran Iran

An article posted by GLaDOS in the US media

stirs reaction among eAmericans translating feat and apprehension and call to arms. Apparently the eUSA is

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