Day 595, 12:40 Published in Iran Saudi Arabia by voice

" Je suis la Résurrection et la Vie. Celui qui croit en moi, fut-il mort, vivra et quiconque vit et croie en moi, ne mourra jamais ".

Due to some obscure reasons, i found myself perm banned. I will not discuss the different theories about why i was perm banned for (multi-accounts) which by the way not true. Theories range from technical mistake, identity mistake, or even a conspiracy by some people.

That is not important, what is important is that Admins realized the error fast. I sent them an appeal, they apparently checked out and found that i am innocent. and within hours i was risen from the ranks of the dead.

There was good news and bad news.

The good one, Fortunately, i did not lost the working day, thus the next gold medal (Hardworking).

The bad one, i lost all my friend list. and my subscription. I am trying to rebuild my ancient friend list.. relaised that some nice old friends are perma banned!!!

I think it will be faster if all my friends, thankfully re-added me as friend