SamGibz Re-Vamped Platform!

Day 954, 15:55 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

Welcome to my re-vamped platform for Presidency. This is a modified version that is easier to read and conveys my points further more.

..."an experienced player"...

I hope you can take a lot from my platform about the person I am and why I am the best candidate. I maybe new to the Presidency table, but don't that let you think I am not capable. I believe strongly I am otherwise I would not even consider such a role. I think what I lack in Presidency experience is made up with my eagerness to learn and take on such a challenge. I am enthusiastic, I love and am proud of the country I call ehome. A bit about me...

- 7 hard worker medals, 6 congress medals and 3 super soldier medals.
- Been in Government for 8 months.
- Second term of being Minister of Tourism, previously Minister of Information,Director of the eSouth African Health Centre and Deputy Minister of Social Development.
- Been an ambassador in numerous eCountries, but currently to the eUK.
- Owned many previous companies, currently in partnership in a profitable company.
- Formerly officer in the eSAAF but am now just a grunt in the PG.
- 6th term of congress and also served an additional term as part of the silver six.

Now for what I stand for.

..."work together to maintain security of both our nations"... ..."send a message to the eWorld that we will not stand for such attacks"...

It appears that eAustralia are safe and free from attack but does not mean we can forget and move on in whole. I would like to establish stronger links with eAustralia and propose to the new President of eAustralia that we work together to maintain the security of both our nations further more. Such events must never happen again if it can be helped and by working together I hope to send a message to the eWorld that we will not stand for such attacks. By working with eAustralia we will be able to learn of more attacks through leaks and can help co-ordinate help to fend them off. This could mean moving citizens of eAustralia here to help prevent a PTO and vice versa with little persuasion.

eRepublik Rising
..."be positive"... ..."prepare economically for the change"...

The new 'New World' is an exciting process that the eSA will need to adjust too. I have experience of Beta as I am one of those lucky enough to play it and am just getting to grips with all it has to offer. We should not see this as something negative to our nation, but as something positive.

- Our first challenge is maintain our active players that threat to leave us. I for see a drop in players throughout the eWorld, but that should not hinder progress.
- Secondly changes to the eSAAF structure will be needed in order to meet the demands of the new war module.
- We must put in place reserve funds prior to the change to smooth the economic transition into V2. I also encourage other companies to do the same.
- We will be a high resourced titanium area of the world and therefore should make the most of this.

..."enforce more developments to increase our population"...

I would enforce more developments to increase our population in two ways. Firstly from migration of players from other eCountries into the eSA. We really need to sell ourselves and encourage players to move. The second way is by recruiting from on-line out of eRepublik forums and on other on-line games. I seek a nation drive to get more bodies on eRepublik and in eSouth Africa. By increasing our population we can increase our economy and the strength of our nation.

..."prepare reserve funding"...

The main goal is to weather the change into V2 which I am sure will upset economists a little and so I ask for us to maintain reserve funding within the eSA until the change of V2 for this. I would like to aim to retain our GDP by the end of my term in office.

..."more training wars"... ..."maintain MPP's"...

The only wars I seek are Training Wars. These provide a good tool to maintain activity, to increase our economy and strengthen our citizens. They maintain the activity of our military and increase its numbers. We must maintain our MPP's with strong nations. New tactics must evolve to defect the opposition on the V2 battlefield. Funding must continue to be directed to the eSAAF to maintain a strong fighting force.

Social Affairs
..."regular articles and activities"... ..."educating how V2 works in preparation for V2"...

I seek further more activity from the Ministry of Social Affairs, with regular articles and activities going out. We are known for our close community and I want to maintain this even with growing number.

The health service plays an important role to the wellness of the population, and I support LiquidIce's efforts. There needs to be change to the eSAHC in V2, change in which I am not sure of yet. I would like to promise that the eSA Government promises to try maintain such a service through the change over and aid the eSAHC and its Chairmen.

It is essential that we go out and actively help players, particularly with the change over. I would like to see regular articles explaining and educating how V2 works in preparation for V2 and continuing after launch. I would like new players to receive a welcome message off the MoSA alerting to such resources to try maintain activity. The articles would be in depth guides on specific topics and would be not be heavy to read nor boring and lengthy.

..."seek to form a Security Council"...

It is essential that the eSA remains secure. Any efforts currently employed by the MoS I ask to continue. I also seek to form the Security council. This would consist of a group of highly experienced players with the sole intention of pooling resources and knowledge and keeping the eSA safe. It would also make recommendations to counter threats the eSA may have. It would however have no authority to do the job of the Minister of Security.

..."a strong cabinet that consists of active members that are eager, enthusiastic and will work hard for the eSA"... ..."exploit their strengths"...

I seek a strong cabinet that consists of active members that are eager, enthusiastic and will work hard for the eSA. My aim is to form a team of individuals that exploit their strengths in order to get the most from them. In my Government there will be change to its structure which I will give below. I already have an idea of the strong characters I would like to form my Government with, some new, some old. None have been informed and this list is wrote in pencil and so names can easily be erased and replaced.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs: To look after our interests and relations abroad.
Ministry of Security: To look after the security of our nation in any form them maybe (except military).
Ministry of Defence: To look after our nations defence and look after our military interests abroad.
Ministry of Social Affairs: To educate our population, maintain high moral and maintain activity. A streamlined role within Government without the concerns of health.
Ministry of Finance: To look after our budget and the funds within the nations possession.
Ministry of Information: To regularly communicate with the population altering them to changes within Government, new motives and keep them knowledgeable with our interests and relations.
Ministry of Population Development: To increase the population of our nation. A returning role to Government.

Other Positions;

Secretary of State: To ensure the activity and communication of Ministries. To act as an aid to locate resources for Ministries within government. To deal with requests from Ministries. To brief the President and Vice-President to the work of the Ministries. A new role in Government.
Chief of Staff: To look after the nations military.
Chair of the Health Service: To look after the health service. A defined role completely separate from the MoSA.
Governor of Companies: To look after the nations companies.

As you can seem, some changes. The main reason is to level out work load as I felt some Ministries were unbalanced and to encourage greater productivity and team work. I want our Ministries to be active. I do not mean blood, sweat, tears and so forth, but being productive.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions just ask. Vote SamGibz for President this election!


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