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Aeriala is for Awesome

1 Day 1,142, 13:01 Published in Canada Canada

A vote for Aeriala is a vote for awesomeness.

So go and be awesome.

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We need hospitals

12 Day 1,101, 12:57 Published in South Africa South Africa

We need hospitals giving up at least some free fights daily, like in V1. That way, everyone rich or poor can at least fight and enjoy some type of fighting without suffering major loss of money.

That is all.

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Another Admin Fail

5 Day 1,090, 13:50 Published in South Africa South Africa

I love how Admins boast about how if you get 100 Strength you get a SS Medal .
I love when we get mad because they recalculated our strength wrong.

Admin then comes up with an excuse about how it was difficult for them to migrate the strength

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A big leap for personal endeavors.

6 Day 1,058, 14:30 Published in South Africa South Africa

This is me, Glorified writing in my usual style.

This article is going to be all about me, and a project I plan on working on. So please, I hope you are interesting in reading a little about me and what I have done (not much) and my

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15 Day 1,052, 16:49 Published in South Africa South Africa

Now since Hungary can't hide behind their MPP's Romania and Eden Forces rip through Hungary like a hot butter knife through butter.

I can already see the day Failgary is wiped off of the map...

Maybe if Hungary stopped using gold to PTO

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